Monday, April 30, 2007

Interview With an Auditor

Many thanks to Meg for turning me on to this awesome meme (question: is "meme" pronounced "me-me" or "memm"?)-- I feel honored to be interviewed by such a luminary!

And in turn, I'd like to interview you! To participate:

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." (PLEASE NOTE: If I don't have your e-mail address, I probably won't be able to interview you. And unlike Meg, who is brave, I am too wimpy to put my e-mail address on my blog, because a lot more people hate me than you would think, given my pleasant and sunny nature. So if I don't have an e-mail address for you, or you can't get mine from a friend or trusted neighbor, then I might have to exclude you. My apologies!)

2. I will respond by emailing you five questions of my choice.

3. Then, you should update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You have to include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you get to ask them five questions.

And now-- Incredible Megs Interviews Kim Shable: Two Units of Awesome UNITE!

Quick! The house is on fire! Excepting the obvious people and pets, what 5 things do you take?

I would take the following items:

  • My photo albums (which hopefully count as one item)
  • The big grocery bag of mementos that I've been hoping to scrapbook one day, in case I ever become crafty enough to scrapbook
  • My computer
  • Willie, my stuffed bear
  • My CD book (or, if I had to choose only one CD, I would take Fashion Nugget by Cake)

What is the best or weirdest reconnection you have made via the internet?

My childhood friend Wendy found me through the (now sadly defunct) journazine Convincing John-- we hadn't talked in like ten years, so it was fantastic to catch up with her and get back into each other's lives! I have to say, though, too, that I'm still really interested in whoever left the comment on my trombone post-- still no leads there...

What is your most hated word?

That's hard, so I'll break it down into categories. My least favorite swear word is the C-word (which I can't even usually bring myself to write out fully, but, paradoxically, which I yelled at a player on the Washington Wizards while he was trying to shoot a free throw last Wednesday). Least favorite business phrase: "Going forward," as in "Going forward, we will no longer be using the microwave for tasty popped-corn treats." And probably my least favorite overall word is "moist."

Tell me something funny that you've never blogged before.

I once knew a guy who told me he would turn gay if Ricky Martin asked him to.

Is there a part of wedding planning that you totally didn't expect or are particularly baffled by?

I'm just surprised by the sheer amount of things that need to be done. Favors for the wedding and the shower. Music for the ceremony and the reception. Readings that need to be selected! (By the way, anyone have any suggestions for non-Biblical love-related readings that we could do? Because if not, I'm going to have someone recite, with deadly seriousness, the words to "The Rose," by Bette Midler.) I simply cannot believe that all of these tiny decisions are going to add up to one big awesome kick-ass wedding. Chances are, I will freak out before I finish, and the whole wedding will be janky. To use an analogy, my wedding will be to normal weddings as The Tonight Show is to local cable access' "Chattin' With Chaz."

All right, having honed my interview answering skills, I am now ready to practice asking. So fire away!

7 pipers piping:

Frisby said...

Frisby's Guide to Pronouncing meme:

Informally: meem

SAMPA: mi:m

IPA: mim

ashley said...

Dude, you yelled the c-word at the Cavs game? WITNESS that!

Anonymous said...

interview me! (and I can't believe you shouted the C-word! Did your mom's head explode?)

steph said...

i love this idea! i would love to interview and then be interviewed -- and since you can get my email on my blog, i'll put it in my comment: said...

newly minted blogger here- love to get in on the interview idea :-)

Anonymous said...

hey kim! it's me! I left the trombone comment! I'm friend...not foe. I'll give you a clue....I'm, female and I'm scared to put my email or name on here because of internet predators and other evil freaks.

Melinda said...

^_^ This sounds like fun. Interview me!