Friday, October 20, 2006

My Life as a TV Watcher: Week Three

I really have been attempting to stick with my TV-watching schedule, I swear! I didn't get to comment last week, as we were getting ready for our trip to St. Louis (and I was too heartbroken over the departure of Megg from ANTM). So here is how things are shaping up now:

8:00 America's Next Top Model

Okay, I hate to admit this, because clearly it is not what the producers want, but I actually really like Melrose. I'm not really sure what the issue is-- she's really pretty, and funny, and doesn't seem opposed to anything, even when they give her totally whacked out shoots, like being an old woman or, even more terrifying, Donald Trump. Is this wrong? Well, if loving Melrose is wrong, I don't wanna be right. And besides, doesn't she look an awful lot like one of our old grad school professors (whom I will decline to name, just in case there's another "Googling myself and finding derrogatory comments on Kim's blog" situation)?

In regards to Wednesday's actual episode, I have several questions-- which twin is the gay twin, again? Is that going to be important to know later on? Also, why does proving that one has an uncanny resemblance to Jay-Z somehow enhance your model cred? Also also, does anyone else feel gypped by the lack of Janice Dickenson? I was led to believe she would become a prominent force in this season. I was led astray.

Also also also, I was glad to see AJ go. In general, a "whatever, I'm too fucking cool for this, anyway" attitude makes me generally want to punch people in the face.

9:00 Lost

I have to admit, I'm about eighteen minutes away from never watching this show again. Am I seriously going to have to sit around for several more years before someone explains to me why there are perfectly nice-looking, suburban-esque houses on the island? Or why sometimes That Bald Guy can walk and talk, and sometimes he can't? Yes, I realize that this is high-brow, and that the payoff will be huge, and it's much more progressive than your average, mystery-less episode of CSI (unless "who killed this midget?" satisfies your need for mystery). But there is something about this show that makes me think it is laughing at me, because I haven't figured it out yet. Because the writers are all in on the joke, and so is everyone else in America, and I'm the only one in the world too stupid to understand the situation.

So, in other words, is there anything else on at nine on Wednesdays that I can use to fill the fast-approaching hole in my schedule?

10:00 South Park

I watched this on Wednesday, and already I have no idea what happened. I think it had something to do with Dog: The Bounty Hunter? My main thought on South Park at the moment: has anyone but me noticed that Cartman's voice is different now? Oh, it's definitely the same guy doing it. But it's like he forgot how to do it over the summer.

So, I guess TV Wednesday is not working out as well as I had hoped. Perhaps it's time for me to focus my attention instead on Thursday... I did get freakishly into Survivor: Outback a few years ago, and greatly enjoyed The Office on DVD. People tell me I would like My Name is Earl, but mustaches make me uncomfortable.

3 pipers piping:

penelope said...

Melrose really is awesome! I think we all love her. She distances herself from the pack, is her only problem.

Michelle is the possibly gay twin. The only way I could remember this is that she's the self-proclaimed "more outgoing" one, so I just looked for the one with the closed-off body language throughout the show and decided that was Amanda. Their red hair seems to have become the same shade by now. I think it would be rad if they chose both of them in the end, but I have a feeling that's just a pipe dream.

Janice Dickinson scares me more than a little.

Lost... I don't know. Without the other two seasons as a frame of ref, I'd be super lost. As it is, I'm pretty damn lost. And also, listening to m, kind of jaded at this point.

I hightly recommend Top Chef for Wed night viewing. It's like a less trailer-park version of Hell's Kithen. And I love love love Harold.

That is all, and good luck to you. xo, pen

Ed & Jeanne said...

Hey, you put your shows together and you have a hidden adventure "AMERICAS TOP MODEL got LOST in SOUTH PARK"...

Want to see how ricidulous discussing TV is? Here's a snippet of a possible blog from 1968... "...and why is it that Captain Kirk always beams down with all the key officer to every single planet? What if they suddenly all got run over by some alien driver? Who'd run the ship?" or "I don't think that safety pin on Land of the Giants looks all that real..." or "Did you notice that Horshack got a haircut; I noticed that his fro was at least a half an inch in diamter smaller than last week"...

Frisby said...

Yes, I realize that this is high-brow, and that the payoff will be huge...

Well, that's certainly what they want you to think. Personally, I burned out on the whole, "mysterious stuff that we tease out for a decade" schtick from The X-Files. Lost could be the awesomest show ever, but I just can't bring myself to watch it.

And yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Cartman's voice is just wrong, somehow. It's like he went through puberty over the summer, and now it's an octave lower. Maybe the guy doing the voice has larynx problems?