Thursday, July 13, 2006

By the way...

Okay, so a bit of "felt truth" here, for my fellow memoirists-- in truth, growing up I actually loved Mama's Family, particularly the episode where Thelma had a short-lived but oh-so-hilarious stint as the receptionist at a travel agency (when asked if she knew what to do when the phone rang, she replied "No, usually whenever the phone rings I run around with my hands in the air yelling 'what'll I do, what'll I do?'"). But I decided that, of all the early eighties sitcoms I could choose from, it had the funniest name.

Pete suggested that perhaps Mr. Belvedere would have been a better choice, and I have to say I might agree. Also, I just thought of Head of the Class, where Howard Hessman taught a bunch of overacheiving nerds. But I think I may have been the only person ever in the history of mankind to watch that show in its entirety, even through the dreadful Rain Pryor years.

7 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

I think Mama's Family was appropriate. I mean, I don't really remember much of Mr. Belvedere, but I remember Mama's Family because it would always be on just before afternoon we'd sit through part of each episode.

And even back then, I wanted to slap Vinton Harper for being such a schemer.

Matt said...

I absolutely loved Mama's Family. If it were on now, I would watch it.

daisy said...

I remember LOVING Mr. Belvedere and HATING HATING HATING HATING Mama's Family.

Though I have a feeling if I were forced to watch either now... the tables might turn.

I think you done good. Real good.

Anonymous said...

I would like to say that I watched Head of the Class - the bizarro and less-good version of Welcome Back Kotter and without the allure of John Travolta and the Sweat Hogs. For some reason, I can't remember any of the characters' names. There was a red-headed girl and a nerdy guy. Oh, and the fat guy's name was Dennis. What was the premise of that show anyway?

Justin wants me tell you that he agrees with Daisy that Mama's Family was not his favorite because, "I just didn't like Mama. And it was boring and 70s." And he would like to request that your future 70s/80s TV references include Benson. Thank you for your consideration.

penelope said...


I LOVED Head of the Class, and Mr. Belvedere. What about Charles in Charge? And Silver Spoons? And...

DIFFERENT SROKES!! Because it had the best theme song ever. Even if there were two different moms and half the cast went on to careers in porn and/or violent crimes. Or, Facts of Life...Cosby Show? I could go on for hours.

My mom told me the other day that I wasn't obsessed with TV growing up, that my brother was much worse. I'm not sure I believe her.

Anonymous said...

Howard Hesseman was HOT as Johnny Fever on WKRP. Totally would've married him when i was 12. I thought he got kind of boring on Head of the Class, though.

What was the question again?

Karima said...

mr. belvedere. i thought i was the only one who ever saw that show.