Monday, March 13, 2006

Crazed Maniac on the loose

I woke up this morning after only five and a half hours sleep, walked the dog, showered, dressed, and went to work, without realizing that most of my soul had been sucked out, leaving me a sleepy, cranky, shattered husk of a human being. This was not helped by the consumption of one can of caffeine-free diet Pepsi.

So, having gotten the word from my doctor last Friday that I will not, in fact, die upon consumption of caffeinated beverages (contrary to the advice of previous doctors and WebMD, an apparently untrustworthy purveyor of medical terror), I decided to make a concoction of half-coffee, half hot chocolate, a sludgy yet delicious energy drink.

Add to that five Wonka Bottle Caps, and I now have irreversible Crazy Eyes, as evidenced by the above picture. So while I may look like I might kill you and eat your brains, at least I'm no longer tired, and a good deal more social.

3 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

You know, my brother is one of those people who likes to talk about not drinking caffiene like it's a badge of honor. But really, is that something to be so proud of? It's like those women that think not wearing makeup earns you a gold star, when what you really want to say is, "Sister, I think that you should revisit that decision and reconsider."

Obviously, I am also a sleepy, cranky, shattered husk of a human being and I've HAD caffeine. But no bottle caps. Perhaps the secret lies in the bottle caps

Anonymous said...

i just keep looking at that mustachioed mark harmon, and i can't think of anything to say. but i revisit it regularly and just look at it. he renders me speechless.

"renders" is gross, sorry.



T. said...

Franco love your eyes. Franco make love to only your eyes.