Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shaby's back-- back again

I. Am. Officially. Back.

Because as you may have noticed? I've kind of been maybe? A bad blog owner. Not just in my lack of postings, but rather in the quality of the postings that have gone up in the last, oh, say, year. Or so.

But get this-- I'm married. I did it. We bought a house. We did it. And until I have a baby, I can officially go back to being a normal human being. Of outrageously awesome hilariousness.

Throughout this whole getting married, buying a house process, I found myself really wanting to post on my blog, but not really having anything interesting to say. I contemplated deleting it, and just succumbing altogether to my life of audit manager-ness. But I could never bring myself to do it-- my blog is as close as I come-- right now, anyway-- to being an actual writer, as opposed to a relatively funny but mostly indistinguishable insurance drone.

That guy at work, that always tells the jokes, that comes to your cube and then won't leave and you kind of want to kill yourself? I was becoming that guy.

So once the move was complete, I decided-- the blog was back in action. And as evidenced by my severely awesome new background, you can see I totally mean business.

Since readership has dwindled to pretty much Ashley, Alan and my Aunt Kathy (hi, Aunt Kathy!), I realize I'll have to work pretty hard to regain your interest. But please, give me a chance-- I promise not to disappoint. And if I do disappoint? I promise to turn in my MFA and start studying for my CPCU (which, for those of you who don't know, is an insurance designation-- which means I just made an insurance joke, which means I have to go kill myself now, if you'll excuse me).

So please, if I promise not to talk about getting married, or buying a house, ever again? Will you please read this? Because I'm totally all about talking about anything but that, and if you're into it, too, you will be granted one ticket onto Battleship Awesome. For reals.

5 pipers piping:

Matt said...

And to think, I add your blog to my RSS feed, and don't even get a mention as being someone who still reads your blog. Shees.

Anonymous said...

You and me, both, Matt.

Welcome back, Kim!

penelope said...

Wicked template! You know I'm always on board with your blogginess. xoxo.

hat said...

Ditto what Mr.Matt said. I get fresh-daily, up to the minute feeds of your posts via Google reader and don't even get mentioned. Sniff.

Love, love, love that crazy widget you've added at the bottom. Especially MANIC MODE. How do I get me one of those?!! (Also love the background.)

Anonymous said...

I think you're discounting your readership!

I haven't been reading for the past week and a half though, cause I've been busy with a new man in my life- Check him out here!

ps- He's a baby.