Monday, November 13, 2006

Thanks, Mr. Raudins!

Marita and I totally just used algebra to solve a ratio equation. Who said we would never use that again? I mean, other than me.

1 pipers piping:

Matt said...

I saw a commercial over the weekend for a pen that actually gives you clues as to how to solve algebraic problems. You write 4x + 12 = 12 with the pen, and it tells you the steps you must go through in order to solve it. Quite frankly I thought it was a little disturbing. Before long, there will be no need for the Mr. Raudins or, in my case, Ms. Bergen and her flying spittle, in this world.

By the way, I don't need the pen to know the answer to my very juvenile equation is x = 0. Unfortunately, I spent about 10 minutes coming up with an equation I could solve easily.