Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I had finally worked through my utter terror of going to the cystoscopy today, and was already planning the hilarious blog entry that would ensue, when I got a call at the last minute saying the doctor had been called into emergency surgery and would have to reschedule my appointment. Blast! So now I get to spend another unspecified amount of time wondering what horrors await me at the urologist's office...

I have to admit, though, I do feel bad for whatever guy had to have emergency urological surgery today.

1 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry too much about eh cystoscopy. If it is for evaluation purposes (to see if there is something wrong) it is a three minute procedure (they use local anestetic gel so you don't feel much of anything). I need one every three months (bladder cancer). If they remove a tumor it is done under general anesthesia.