Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What I Believe Now #1*

That boxes of Nerds candy are far too difficult to open.

*A new My Biz feature that allows me to state my beliefs in a frank and honest way. Beliefs, apparently, about the relative difficulty of opening a box of candy. But other beliefs, too, in the future. I don't have any more beliefs at the moment.

Also, I suspect I stole the name of this from somewhere really obvious, but I can't put my finger on it right now, so I will pretend I made it up.

4 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

Coincidentally, "I can't put my finger on it" is Bekki's catch-phrase, and also the single grossest thing anyone has ever said.

I won't even tell you the context, the point is, the listener can insert (omg, INSERT, even grosser!!) his or her own grossest meaning when hearing "I can't put my finger on it."

Frisby said...

You make an excellent point. Nerds are a pain to get into.

I always like pulling the slide-y tabs out and pretending the (emptied) box is a space ship. Little circle engines in back, and a couple of wings on the side. (Who's the nerd now?!)

Oh, I think it's NPR that has a recurring segment called, "For This I Believe." Same general motif, but I think sufficiently different to say you're being original. (They do "deep" stuff, anyway, which is totally lame.)

There's also a Web site out there that was something along the lines of, "What I used to believe," where people would post their bizarre childhood misconceptions about the world.

ashley said...

Also, Wendy, I would like to point out that the phrase "I can't put my finger on it" is almost inevitably followed by "but."

I can't put my finger on it BUT I think that does sound kind of gross.

Anonymous said...

Yay! You have done the impossible, Ashley, and ADDED to the grossness of this phrase. What if someone accidentally left out the word 'it'?

"I can't put my finger on BUT..."

I'll alert Bekki immediately. Maybe can figure out a way to work this phrase into her reading introduction, as well.