Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Do as I do

Not unlike Pen, I, too, have noticed a general malaise among our Blogs of Note (except, of course, for Ashley, who continues bringing the awesome like it's her job)-- I, personally, have been rather neglectful of late, because I have been too busy doing the following things:
  • Getting root canals
  • Having my kidneys ultrasound-ed
  • Watching the 3rd (and alas, final) season of Arrested Development
  • Reading books about girls who had sex in high school, probably in a belated attempt to cover up for the fact that I wasn't one of them
  • Attending my butthead cousin's soccer game
Et Cetera.

But more than that, I have been experiencing a general malaise, based largely on my growing belief that, despite the fact that I got into graduate school for creative writing, I am not even kind of creative. I base this belief entirely on the fact that I have never once created a catchphrase.

I am so jealous of people who create catchphrases. Like Daisy's "I less than three..." That totally depresses me. Because I'm like, that's a really awesome catchphrase. And I totally didn't come up with it.

Oh, I'm big on appropriating other people's catchphrases. To the point where, the other day, I had to ask Marita, "Did I come up with the word 'ween?'" Because I really thought I did. But no, I didn't.

And it doesn't help that, around the office, people do an imitation of my boyfriend's catchphrase, which is just the word "sure" spoken with a Wisconsin accent, but still, it's totally catchy, and he came up with it, and he doesn't even work here.

And it's not just catchphrases-- I am also super jealous of T.'s discovery of the Church Sign webpage. Because that thing is totally rad, and I totally can't use it now because it's T.'s thing, and I don't want to be a copycat. So not only have I never come up with a catchy catchphrase, I can't even find awesome webpages to use for awesomeness, as T. did.

So far, the only even remotely creative thing I've done is figure out that I can post to my blog by e-mail, as I am doing right now. But that's not really so much creative as it is devious.

But in an effort to revive the blogscene and ease my own mind, I will attempt to blog more often (and less about my teeth). The way I see it, every entry I write is another chance that a phrase I use will become catchy. And isn't that all we ever dream of?

4 pipers piping:

Kurt said...

Then this will really cheer you up.


Frisby said...

Hey, now... Don't be so glum! You've been published in a newspaper. Twice! I don't know anyone else who can make that claim.

Can I, perchance, interest you in NaNoWriMo? You'll make up all kinds of crazy crap, and I've no doubt something cool will make itself known.

And don't feel bad: I wasn't one of the girls who had sex in high school, either.

Becca said...

See, remember in A Spell for Chameleon? Bink was like, "I don't have a magic talent and I'm going to be exiled from the magical land of Xanth."
But, like, as it turns out, Bink doesn't have a magic talent, he is magic, and one of the most powerful magical people of all.
So, you haven't made any catch phrases because you are a catch phrase.
Like, you know what I mean.
I think.

ashley said...

At least you don't assume other people's accents. People can never tell where I'm from because I just talk like whomever I'm talking to. My voice isn't even original. I'm a dialect-meleon.