Wednesday, October 11, 2006

On the road again

I know I just promised that I would blog more, and in more detail, in an effort to stop the gradual slow decline of this blog into nothing more than a chronicle of my bad teeth and urinary issues. But in all the madness, I kind of forgot that we're going to Saint Louis for the weekend to Dan and Jenn's wedding. I mean, I didn't forget that we were going to the wedding... I just kind of forgot that, in order to go to the wedding, my car had to have gas in it, and I needed, you know, clothes to wear and stuff.

So while I pull that together, please enjoy this slightly out of focus picture of myself in a sweet pirate mask:

I got it at Walgreen's for a dollar, but do not even think of getting it for yourself, because it's mine. I found it, and it's mine! I'm just saying that I got it at Walgreen's for a dollar to rub it in.

Also, I think I would look more piratey if I hadn't put my sunglasses on over top. Now I look more like the Macho Man Randy Savage. But that's a pretty good idea for a mask, too, really.

0 pipers piping: