Monday, October 16, 2006

Things you didn't know about St. Louis

1. On the way there from Cleveland, you see the world's biggest, freakiest cross. While Ben and I could not muster the courage to stop and actually look at it up close-- you can see it well enough from the freeway, as it appears to be over ten stories high and made of aluminum siding-- we did feel really awed by its big... crossiness.

2. The Arch is very tall, but not as tall as you would think. Also, you can ride to the top of it in tiny, Woody Allen in Sleepers-esque white little bucket trams. But once you get to the top, you will be bummed out, as the only really exciting thing to see in St. Louis is the Arch, which is the only thing you can't see from inside the Arch.

3. Foxy people get married there, like these two-- congrats, Dan and Jenn! Apparently, the weather in St. Louis also cooperates for foxy people, so that Dan and Jenn had the perfect day. A good time was had by all, even Ashley, although her evening took a decidedly dramatic turn around the clog dancing...

4. On the way home from St. Louis, if you stop at a certain gas station, they have a machine that will spray you with imitation cologne for a quarter. The bad thing was, though, that this particular machine was hung right around eye-level for me, so it's more like I could have been maced with imitation cologne for a quarter.

3 pipers piping:

mendacious said...

WOW - maced and arched in one weekend- too much for a girl to handle!.. and clog dancing? seriously! i wanna go. why didn't i get to go.

ashley said...

Mendacious - the clogging was of olympic proportions. Truly. My legs still hurt. But it was all worth it. Because clogging like that feels oh so good.

Shable - beware the macing smells. I like how they always liken the smell to some designer fragrance but all probably smell like alcohol and Lysol.

P.S. My word verification has the word "jig" in it...coincidence? I think not.

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you the cross in Indiana would have been 10,000 times weirder to you had you seen the exact same one on the side of the freeway in Texas first! PS...We could not manage the courage to stop for either of the crosses-it's like they were bookends on the same roadtrip across the country! PPS...I'm not sure if I'm more scared of Texas or Indiana.