Thursday, August 17, 2006

Euclid Loves Ricky

On a routine trip to the Euclid library (which, in a bit of trivia that might interest those of you who are local, is apparently considered the third best library in the nation-- I highly recommend it), I decided to peruse the CD collection, expecting to find the usual libraryesque selections-- Pavarotti, Joni Mitchell, and a random Wilco album from 1993.

So I was shocked to find an entire rack dedicated to Ricky Martin, including no less than seven copies (seven!!) of his Spanish-language album Vuelve, an album of which I believed I owned the only copy (please, do not even question why I would own a copy of this. I bought it to impress a guy, and it didn't occur to me until much later that a guy that would be impressed that I owned Vuelve might not be interested in me).

My question is, why would the Euclid library believe that seven different patrons would come in within two weeks of each other, just really wanting to hear "Por Arriba Por Abajo"? And that only counts the ones that were actually on the shelves-- what if there are, like, seven more copies of Vuelve out there, already checked out to happy Ricky Martin fans?

And there were tons of other Ricky Martin selections, as well-- Livin' La Vida Loca, that one that has "She Bangs" on it, et. al. Why? I would have investigated further, but someone was hovering around near me, clearly wanting to get a look at the Ricky Martin rack. And I didn't want to hog the Vuelve. Whatever that means.

5 pipers piping:

mendacious said...

are there spanish speakers in ohio? what?

ashley said...

I remember getting in your car one day to the sounds of one of your infamous mixes and the next song was from the album. And I was like, "What IS this?"

P.S. Found one of your old mixes while cleaning out the Corolla that featured "Ironsides", Cowboy Mouth and Paul McCartney. CLASSIC!! Loved it.

Anonymous said...

...and that's why it's the third best library in the nation.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I like vuelve, just don't tell anyone.