Thursday, August 17, 2006

Baby's first salad

Behold! I made a salad!

Having never actually made a salad before in my entire life (more on this in a moment), I obviously also made a really big mess. And no, there is no Febreze in my salad. But the point is, I did it-- I personally assembled a salad with more than five ingredients, for the sole purpose of my consumption at lunch tomorrow. Since I figured that no one would believe me (particularly Ashley, with whom I was on the phone during the assemblage of said salad), I thought I would photograph my triumph, even though it reveals the embarrassing fact that, as I did not know how to properly toss the salad, I just transferred it to a bigger container and shook it up and transferred it back.

Those of you who are relatively new to this blog will not realize the significance of this event, and walk away shaking your head, oddly vexed by my salad retardation.

But those of you who have known me for awhile, I hope you appreciate the sheer magnitude of this situation. I made a salad. And I'm going to eat it. Unless I panic, throw it out, and go to Long John Silver's. But I'm hoping Healthy Kim prevails. Especially since this salad took me like 20 minutes to make.

7 pipers piping:

ashley said...

My, what fine matchstick carrots you have!

Cue said...

Yay! Well done, and well-documented. I applaud thee.

daisy said...

I'm just laughing because you're talking about salad tossing.

It clearly takes very little for me these days...

Matt said...

Next up on Kim's foods to eat list: Baked beans.

penelope said...

I am speechless. Did you really eat it?

mendacious said...

what was in it?! and are you ever going to put such things as gorganzola, nuts and dried cherries in your salad? i recommend cilantro for a zesty taste. good job!

penelope said...

mendacious, you are going to scare her.

(although it does sound hasty-tasty to me.)