Thursday, June 22, 2006

The way we were

I don't know if it's because it's thunderstorming right now, or because it's after midnight and I'm still not tired, but I am very melancholy right now. And very homesick for Wilmington. Now don't get me wrong-- I love Ben more than anything in the whole world, and I love Ohio, and all my friends here. But I was laying in bed just now, just about to fall asleep, and this image of Market and South Fifth flashed into my mind, with the fountain and the apartment building. And then-- and this is really lame, but whatever-- it was followed by an image of the inside of Morton Hall, that area where the vending machines are, and we would all hang out before night class started, or during break. And it made me really sad.

Okay, so I never wanted to be one of those people who gets on their blog in the middle of the night and writes sad, maudlin things about the way we were or something. But I really miss you guys. I miss Cedar's, I miss Martha's, I miss the malevolent juggler on the river walk.

And then this sends me down a whole other sad road of missing people from college, and high school, and summer camp, and basically missing every single person I've ever known, except for Mr. Kenik, the gym teacher who made fun of the way I ran. So right now, I am pretty much freaking out with missing.

Point is: I miss you all. Now let us never speak of this embarrassing outburst again. Tomorrow I will return with more snarky commentary on everyday life.

PS: Does that outfit make me look fat? Why didn't anyone tell me? And why are my boobs at my stomach? Oh, the horror.

12 pipers piping:

daisy said...

There must be some weird moon/earth rotation right now. Why are we both so hormonal and missing the yester-years?

That being said - i'd kill to read one of your funny essays right now. Feel free to send my way. xo.

penelope said...

awww, now that's a great picture. i feel you with the nostalgia and the missing. i get into this whole spiral where i start missing a certain time period of life WHILE i'm still living it. i want to break it since it inspires so much melancholy, but then i wonder if it doesn't make me appreciate it all more. hummm.

Matt said...

I'm sad because I came to Wilmington one year too late, and thus could not get in that photo.

Kim said...

There are plenty of other photos with you in them, Matt, don't worry! And Daisy, too! (Which, sadly, I have no new funny essays to send your way as of yet, but hopefully sooooon!) We were all MFA all-stars, as evidenced by the roughly seventeen hundred photos I took while I was in school.

Pen, I know what you mean about missing a place while you're still there. I did that for like the last three months I was in Wilmington. Ashley, Hoang-Anh, Dan and I even went on a nostalgia tour around town, visiting our old haunts.

penelope said...

Effexor, tee hee. I had a similar thought about my Zoloft. Although if all this melancholia persists, I may have to request an increase in dosage.

Megs said...

Though I am not in that photo, I, too am nostalgic for the snack machine at Morton hall, for smoking out front, for generally trolling for someone to hang out with. I'm glad to be missing it in a way, though. I didn't for a long time. It's just now coming back to me.

Anonymous said...

Where the hell was I? Yall looked so great! I miss everybody!


Anonymous said...

We do look great, don't we? I miss everyone. I miss weekly parties - at someone's house, at Fat Tony's and Blue Post and Cedar's. I miss complaining about going to school. And definitely...those snack machines were kinda special.

T. said...

OMG Meredith and I look like the cutest couple EVER!

Alan said...

Ashley...don't you miss me?? Even though I only visted UNCW a couple of times, I miss it too...espcially keg stands...

Anonymous said...

Oh, Alan, I so miss you. I miss you in the boa and the red hat and the keg stands and the late night trips to McDonald's where we almost get in fights with strangers in muscle cars in the drive-thru. I miss it all. COME BACK!

Matt said...

So who took the picture?