Thursday, June 22, 2006

Eat these, or you are dead to me

This one goes out especially to Ashley, who originally introduced me to the Sara Lee Cheesecake Bites back in aught two. We had them at a Christmas party, I believe, and I never stopped believing in them, even after every grocery store from Wilmington to Ohio seemed to have stopped carrying them. How could any supermarket worth its salt believe that cheesecake and graham cracker crust, coated in chocolate, would not be worth its weight in gold? But sure enough, the other day I was at Giant Eagle, having just picked up a vastly inferior (but still quite tasty) tub of Edy's Caramel something something, when I backtracked to buy more Uncrustables (as they still retain their crack-like quality for me) and instead found, lying on its side and covered in cooler-frost, a single package of the infamous and elusive Sara Lee Cheesecake Bites, which I immediately snatched in a Gollum-esque fashion, unceremoniously ditching the Edy's in the totally wrong cooler. Ben and I have eaten two each so far, and I already live in fear of the day when we run out, which should be three days from now, given our rapid Cheesecake Bite consumption.

Listen, I'm not saying that if you don't eat these cheesecake bites you're less than human or anything. I'm just gently suggesting that your avoidance of this particular foodstuff might just make you a Communist of the Kim Jong Il, Everyone Must Have The Same Dorky Haircut vein. Just saying.

1 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the Sara Lee Cheesecake Bite. I was introduced to these delectables by the Berry College Theatre Department. I don't think we had an opening night reception or cast party without them. It was always a fight to get one. And they were one of those things I never thought to buy for myself - it was like I thought you could only get them at theatre parties. So that's why I had them at my Christmas party. I gave myself permission to buy them because it was for a party. And, you know, I don't think I've bought them since.