Monday, June 19, 2006

Serious TV overload

As I'm sure I've mentioned in the past, Ben and I don't watch much TV. But it's not because we're snobby people who very much enjoy birdwatching and poring over the lost translations of "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings." Rather, it's because if we watch more than five minutes of a show, we get severely addicted to it.

For instance, why did no one tell me that Hell's Kitchen is like the greatest show ever televised? I've only seen about 35 minutes of it so far, so I kind of actually have no idea what's going on, or what the point even is, but so far I've figured out that:

1. That chef that everyone calls "Chef" in a very important way is really mean and swears a lot, and throws things and often looks like he's going to cry, but in a really ominous way, like every tear he cries is a little piece of your soul.

2. Giacomo was cute, but now he's gone. And I kind of want to name my kid Giacomo, but I don't think non-Italian people are allowed to do that.

3. Tom is a big wussy baby, and I look forward to seeing him summarily humiliated.

I didn't really learn anything about the girls, except that the one with an extraordinarily large head (encephalitis?) is apparently a really good cook, and there's one girl who looks kind of mean and forboding, and I bet she's the one who sabotages the food next week.

Sadly, Hell's Kitchen is on opposite Super Nanny, which is the only other show I've allowed myself to watch more than one time. I realize that Super Nanny is exactly the same every week, but I continue to watch because I like that woman's accent a lot, and I keep waiting for the rerun of the one where the little girl says "Shermie was cwying 'cause I punched him in the eye."

Even more sadly, it turns out I was wrong about the release date of Arrested Development season three (or else they moved it on me, and Jason Bateman didn't even call)-- it's now not until the end of August, when I was absolutely positive that it was supposed to be this past Tuesday. I guess I could go buy season one of The Office to tide me over, as I know it would make Penelope happy, but dang it, it's just not the same!

3 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog!

penelope said...

Oh, The Office!!! You will not regret it. Three words: Dwight K. Schrute.

Now I feel the need to seek out Hell's Kitchen and become immediately addicted.

Matt said...

Hell's Kitchen is great. I especially liked when the big fat guy was literally dripping sweat in the food he was cooking. At least the customers wouldn't have to add too much salt to the food.