Monday, February 27, 2006

To the Xtreme

Okay, so I know I've been a bad, neglectful blog-owner. If it were a Tamagotchi, it would be dead. And then I'd be stuck with this crap-ass dead fake Japanese animal keychain, and I'd probably feel way worse about it than I probably should. Which is why I was never allowed to have a Tamagotchi growing up. Which saddens me to this very day.

But at any rate, I know I haven't been blogging as much as I should, which is stupid, because a variety of interesting things have been happening to me. Sadly, though, many of them are work-related, and in general I don't like to talk about anything even remotely work-related on the off-chance that my boss might one day Google me, just for shits and giggles, and find out that I don't really enjoy staying an extra 15 minutes late every day.

But now, not unlike that old dying pharoah in "The Ten Commandments," I must break my own law and share this one tidbit with you.

We are expected, later this year, to attend a conference entitled "Auditing to the Xtreme."

Now technically, if I don't comment on that one way or another, and just let the name speak for itself, I cannot get in trouble for mocking my job.

But let's say it again, just in case:

Auditing to the Xtreme.

There, I said it. And I feel good about it. Good about sharing.

Xtreme sharing.

8 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps, a long lost friend might google Kim Shable (prompted by stumbling across some old marching band tapes)and be astonished to find that Kim is working at an insurance company at all. Perhaps even the sort of person that was wrongfully accused by the blogger on numerous occasions of being descendant from aliens...

Anonymous said...

Will this conference be aired on ESPN2 alongside the snowboarding competitions and competitive eating?

Matt said...

How about Xtreme Human Resourcing or Xtreme TPS reporting or Xtreme product analysis. That could be real exciting. You should consider establishing an X-games for white collar workers.

penelope said...

When I worked at evil Verizon Wireless, my team was "Team Extreme." We proposed the name sarcastically, but our supervisor, of course, loved it.

Team ExTREEEEEME!!! Booyah.

Cue said...

I almost put a picture of my boss on my blog today, in which she DOES look rather like the devil. Then I realized that doing so actually could get me fired. Cureses.

Anonymous said...

A student today told me that (he works at Bojangles) when anyone orders the "tailgate special" everyone in the restaurant is supposed to yell "Whoop, whoop." (!)

He asked me very earnestly if did I not think this was somewhat absurd, and I said uh yeah, and he vowed in front of the whole class to somehow turn whoop whoop to his advantage.

I told him it made an excellent battle cry.

I think you should yell it in the middle of conference "Auditing to the Extreme"

Anonymous said...

Currently, Claira and I are potty training to the Xtreme. She's getting it down, man. But I'm still having problems.

Anonymous said...

Kim, you probably don't remember me, but I'm the kid who lost the spelling be in "Agony of Defete." I remember you being an avid Ric Flair fan. Just saw him the other day, wondered how you felt about his impending retirement after Wrestlemania.