Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Life in Pootown

So, about five years after everyone else in the nation, Ben and I went out and purchased Animal Crossing, mainly because it won't stop being crappy out, and we have officially run out of things to do (unless you count watching the Cavs on TV, which is getting tiresome, as they appear to play seven to eight games a day).

When we first put the game in, we were pretty disappointed, actually-- run this errand, run that errand, shake that tree, visit that moose. Where was the action in that? But, while Ben watched, I named the town (Pootown) and my character (Mongo), and went through the motions of a normal day of Pootown life. But my heart just wasn't in it-- I had actual, real-live errands to run, and they seemed more exciting than delivering a tatami mat to Apollo, the shitty eagle (always with the snide comments!).

But then, when I finally stopped playing and got ready for bed, I found myself longing to return to Pootown. Perhaps I could get a shovel, and unearth a fossil or somesuch. The fact that today is Valentine's Day was exciting not only because Ben made me a wonderful dinner, but because I knew Puddles and Stu, my frog and moose next door neighbors, would probably send me yet another rally shirt as a present.

And right now, Ben is playing with his own character, a newcomer to Pootown named LeBen. LeBen just got cheated out of all his money by Puddles, who forced him to buy one of those perpetual motion executive toys with his entire life savings.

Ahh, the mean streets of Pootown...

2 pipers piping:

T. said...

You really need to listen to Pink Floyd "Animals" during.

Hip Girl said...

Best Game EVER

Now you need a DS and the new version so we can visit each others town.