Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Final Countdown

Well, all, this will be my last post PW (pre-Wilmington) (which doesn't really work well, because post-Wilmington will also be PW. But whatever)-- just wanted to drop a line and mention that I am at near-pants-peeing levels of excitement over my trip, although I have to admit, I'm a little sad to be leaving Ben-- this is the first time that I've gone out of town and he's stayed behind (it's usually the other way around).

But I'm planning on calling him and sharing pretty much every detail of my stay in the Post Day Wrap Up ("We saw the belligerent juggler downtown! I bought some shirts! Those cats I used to feed started breeding, and now there are millions of inbred retard cat babies roaming feral down North Sixth!"), so it'll almost be like he's there.

So, to my Wilmington readers, I'll see you in less than forty hours... to everyone else, I look forward to seeing you when I get back!

(PS: When I was little, the song "Final Countdown" by Journey or Europe or whoever scared the crap out of me. I still can't really listen to it without getting a really freaky weird feeling. I have the same problem with "Space Oddity" by David Bowie. Must be some sort of space fear issue.)

0 pipers piping: