Friday, February 03, 2006


I won't say much, since I haven't been informed officially yet, but the word is there's a new baby in town! Well, not my town, because none of my Cleveland friends are pregant-- yet-- that I know of, anyway. But in my honorary hometown of Wilmington, there's one more cute little girl for me to buy things for and possibly modge-podge with, depending on her dexterity. More on this when I'm given the go-ahead-- after all, new babies, such as the Federletus (which is the greatest baby nickname I have ever heard, and I am CERTAIN that Britney and Kevin didn't make it up themselves), are notoriously press-shy.

1 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

Not even 2 days old, and I'm in a few blogs? Yay, me!
Kaleigh Grace