Monday, January 09, 2006

Year In Review: Take Two

Having received numerous valid requests to have my list updated, I am amending the list below to include:

-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! I heart Snape.

-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the movie. Way better than Prisoner of Azkaban, the movie. Although I could have used more Winky and less Hungarian Horntail. I get it-- Harry likes to fly on various objects and animals.

-Jeremy and John's Birthday Party For Themselves, Volume II. Always a good time, as Jeremy and John are party masters. Swanky house, awesome guest list, sexy hosts-- what could be better? Oh, and there's usually a pug there, so that cranks it up to 11.

-The introduction of Super Mario Kart: Double-Dash into my every day life. Curse you, Santa!

Also, let me just say, before anyone comments, that I am truly sorry about posting about my broken wee box, but I feel it necessary, as a writer, a student of the human condition, and currently the world's most savage opponent of UTI, to lay out the facts and agonies of this particular disease, without ever actually coming out and using even one remotely scientific word.

0 pipers piping: