Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Five things you always wanted to know about Al

Welcome, Alan, to my blog! Alan glimpsed The Unwilling Adult for the firs time today, and was rather saddened to find himself not more prevalent (although his wedding WAS listed as one of the top moments of 2005, shutting out such heavy hitters as Mamie's Trip to the Super Hot Vet). But considering how much I find myself talking about Al on a daily basis, I was also surprised not to see more of him. So, in no particular order, here are some fascinating facts about Al:

1. Alan can do an awesome keg stand, as pictured above (check out that form!)

2. Alan once got some waiters to sing Happy Birthday to my dad in a crowded restaurant, causing my dad to swear eternal vengeance against him, and even prompting my dad to offer me a large sum of money to stand up at Alan's wedding and say "Listen, folks, it's not only Alan's wedding day, it's also his birthday!"

3. Alan can bench-press more than I weigh.

4. Alan, Dan, Kelly and I once took a fantastic overnight trip to Canada (after nixing other ideas such as Go to Mansfield Again and Buy Crap at Meijer and Bother Nerds in the Dorm Lobby), which produced one of my favorite pictures of Alan and Dan posing as Mounties.

5. I still owe Alan, and haven't forgotten, a Star Wars medallion from Revenge of the Sith (and will get it in the mail ASAP!).

So everyone give a big hello to Alan, one of my best friends and an awesome guy, even when he's making rude comments about various people while drunk at Denny's.

1 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

Dude, you forgot the best trip to McDonald's ever following the keg stand. At 2 a.m. When we almost got in a fight with the scary sports car in front of us. Ah, those were the days.

Oh, and by the way, Alan, it's nice to see you again!