Friday, January 27, 2006

T-Minus Three Weeks...

I was going to write a whole big long blog about how I had to stay home sick from work today, as I seem to have a new, more virulent version of the Death Flu of yore, but really I was so sick that almost nothing of note happened. I
  • crocheted
  • took a bath
  • walked the dog
  • watched an interminable show on the Style network starring Elizabeth Hasselbeck from Survivor: Outback
  • thought about getting dressed
  • watched old cartoons on Homestar Runner

and many other boring things.

But then I decided, nah. Because today is much more important than Death Flu Friday-- it's the Three Weeks Till Wilmington notch on the countdown! I am officially coming, as I officially have a plane ticket (not three, as originally feared), and I am officially planning on spending insane amounts of money on new clothes while officially shopping with Ashley at officially recognized Stores of Merit, such as Goody's, Marshall's, and Belk, and perhaps Blackbeard's Bryde, but only for a sassy new official purse.

I am also officially going to see Angela's baby (if it ever comes!), and David, Nina, and Hadley, and last but not least, I am officially going to an official Pig Pickin'. I may even work up the nerve to actually pick flesh from the pig, which I have not done at the previous pig pickin's I have attended.

So I may feel miserable, and achy, and hate Elizabeth Hasselbeck for no good reason, but three weeks from right now, I will have been in Wilmington for a little under four hours. I'll probably be at Slice of Life. Just like old times! Only my skin has cleared up, and I'm not mopey or overly philosophical anymore. So it'll probably be even better!

4 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

We bought a purse for Cassie's friend Jackie at Blackbeard's once. The infamous bowling purse.


--does the mean I'm gay?

Anonymous said...

I'm starting a list of things that I will purchase during the weekend shop-a-thon. So far, that includes a new pair of shoes - for no other reason than a good shop-a-thon should include new shoes - a pair of sunglasses, and hot rollers since my stylist suggested I should learn to "do something" with my hair. And would a Kim Shable weekend be complete if we didn't do something fabulous to our hair? (WALGREENS, HERE WE COME!!)

Anonymous said...

kim, i'm jealous. see, i'm stuck in the desert watching dawson's creek just to catch a glimpse of the self-same streets you'll be traipsing down. what i wouldn't do to be on front street, especially since the nightlife by my house is limited to jack-in-the box and family dollar.

your blog was a lucky stumble for me. have fun in wilmington.

penelope said...

I'm sorry to say that baby might not be here yet. If it is, it will probably be approximately 1 day old and 16 days late. And it will also be grounded.

But, I can't wait to see you!! Yay!!!