Monday, January 23, 2006

The big 2-7

For those of you who didn't know, which is probably no one, since I announced it loudly and often over the last three weeks or so, I turned 27 on Friday. I am hoping this development will lead to good things, since
  • I love odd numbered birthdays, and am never very fond of even numbered ones, even 16 and 18
  • 27 seems very grown-up and adult, but in a sexy, Modern Singles kind of way
  • I have always believed, for as long as I can remember, that something really important would happen to me while I was 27. I'm not sure where this idea came from; it could be because that's the age my mom was when she had me, or just because it seems like every cool celebrity and young flippant upstart Oprah author always seem to be 27.

But I expect big things. Thus far, no big things have happened. But I've only been 27 for three days now, so I shouldn't really rush into things.

I do have high hopes for myself this year, apart from the Magical Thing That Will Happen When I Am 27, such as

  • Quitting smoking (not, perhaps, right now, but definitely before I turn 28)
  • Writing something of more than three pages, and of more intellectual depth than "Hey, I almost ate a cheeseball, but then I didn't."
  • Consistently wearing size 8 pants (if only I were a juniors' size, and could wear odd-numbered pants!)

and so forth.

Thanks very much to everyone who sent me cards-- they are all sitting here on my desk next to me right now, making me feel very popular and important. They will probably remain here until Easter or so, in case you would like to come check out, in person, how very awesome I am.

In other news, if you made it to the bottom of this blog, I am coming to Wilmington in less than a month! And practically peeing my pants over it, thank you very much. More on this to come soon, I am assuming...

6 pipers piping:

T. said...

27! was fun (sigh).

penelope said...

What is it about the odd-numbered years? I find myself dreading 28 this year for no logical reason. It's not like 26 was so bad. But 27 was better, and 25...ah, 25. Best year ever.

Anonymous said...

I've always had the opposite reaction to 27 -- it was, to me, the year I would become "old". It probably had something to do with Jimmy Hendrix, Kurt Cobaine, Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and a handful of others all dying when they were 27.

penelope said...

Isn't it so random, the age we decide we're "old?" I feel like we're supposed to feel that way at 30, but for me it was 26, all the way. I HATED that birthday, and really for no reason other than 25 being over--I felt like some line was being crossed, and I don't know what the line meant, but I didn't like it. And yet, 30 doesn't really scare me (for now).

Anonymous said...

What is it about 26? It's like no-man's land. I'm here. I'm 26. And I'm so not awesome.

(Except for the fact that I'm still young -- old lady, Shable!!)

Anonymous said...

Happy very belated bday, Kim!! hope i get to see you when you're down this way. Re: age, i've noticed that having surgery every year makes me feel super-young!! Or is that the demerol talking? (Too bad it's not cosmetic surgery, in which case others might actually share my perception.) Does having your OLD profs read your blog make you feel young??