Thursday, January 19, 2006

Shirley would be horrified

Have to be quick, because I'm at work right now, but I couldn't wait two more seconds without posting this story about Ric Flair that Ashley sent me from the Charlotte Newspaper. Not only does it come with what might be the world's single greatest video of Ric Flair and people imitating Ric Flair, it is highly informative. Did you know, for example, that

*Charlotte has a hockey team? And Ric Flair supports them? And maybe if he supported Cleveland's hockey team, they wouldn't be leaving town at the end of the season? Not that I support Cleveland's hockey team, but whatever.

*Ric Flair's fiancee is named Tiffany VanDemark? Which I think is the single greatest Ric Flair fiancee name ever.

Anyway, watch the clip for yourself and prepare to fall in love with Ric Flair all over again. Whooooo!

1 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

I think Pete Karamanos ceo of compuware owns the charlotte team.

the only reason you might care is that someone you used to watch pro wrestling with and played gran turismo as the little red honda civic hatchback *might* be currently employed by said "compuware".