Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Best! Christmas! Display! Ever!

Megan just sent me a link to this video of the Best Christmas Light Display Ever. And Megan and I would know about good Christmas light displays-- a dude in Bainbridge does his entire yard up every year, with everything from penguins to a waving Santa to oldies Christmas songs blaring over loudspeakers. His neighbors don't even try to put up lights, because he ruins it for them.

Well, in your face, penguin light man! There's a new fav in town!

2 pipers piping:

Kristen said...

That is a really cool light display! I would hate to be his neighbor though!

Anonymous said...

This guy was on the Today Show recently. He's like a computer programmer or something, and he actually has a low-reach radio frequency so that people can tune into the music that goes with the lights as they drive by. That's ingenuity!