Monday, December 12, 2005

It's (FINALLY) Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

I was beginning to think this moment would never come-- the moment where I truly realized that it was Christmas (as in, the six-week celebrat-a-palooza of trees, cookies, and Christmas specials that I call Christmas, as opposed to the actual day, which is known simply as "CHRISTMAS!!!!!"). As of yesterday afternoon, our house was unadorned (no Hermey or Yukon Cornelius Bobbleheads! No Crunchy, The Extra Mean Talking Nutcracker!), most of our presents were unwrapped, and our tree was in a box.

But magically, by the end of the evening, our living room was a Christmas paradise-- full-on decorations, lit and adorned tree (although to be fair, there are no ornaments at all in the back or on the sides of the tree, since I didn't have enough, and I figured we couldn't see back there, anyway), and Crunchy, standing proudly on the writing desk, waiting to insult any passersby who may wander into his territory.

For those of you who don't know Crunchy, you may not be aware of his insidious charm or evil grace. But he has a good heart. For instance, yesterday he told Ben that he thought he was cute, and that he might be willing to turn gay for him.

Oh, Crunchy!

In other news, I got to sit in the third row at a Gwen Stefani concert last Thursday (Thanks, Diane!!). It was quite awesome, and also educational. For instance, did you know...

*That Gwen Stefani seems to be about 4 feet tall, and weighs about 38 pounds?

*That one of the Harajuku Girls is actually from Orlando, and not Japanese at all? The other three are, though. So that one must feel really left out.

*That little girls and gay men freaking love Gwen Stefani? (Sorry, that might have been obvious.)

*That Ciara's dancers all pop and lock? (This would have been of particular interest to the scary man at Burger King before the show, who was harrassing each patron by asking them to watch him pop and lock. Looking back on it now, he may have actually been on of Ciara's dancers, just maxxin' and relaxin' before the show.)

It was a really awesome concert, so I highly recommend it, if you get the chance. Especially if your friend wins 3rd row tickets off the radio.

3 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I miss you. I need someone to tell me my thighs are fat enough times that I finally do something about it.

Anonymous said...

By the way, your blog hates me and always gives me really distorted verification words that I inevitably type in wrong. Is Crunchy behind this?

Ryan said...

Horny nutcrackers are definetely the shizznit.

Like the blog! :)