Wednesday, November 30, 2005

When in doubt, put up a picture of an ugly dog.

I can't believe two days have passed without me having one interesting thing to say. Well, I can believe it, I just don't like it. Vexing.

So, just so you know I haven't abandoned my blog, I offer to you this picture of a really, really ugly dog:

3 pipers piping:

daisy said...

First of all: HI! We miss you. But more important: Did you hear that dog DIED? A few days ago... at the ugly age of 13.


Anonymous said...

I am, by all means, an animal lover. But this is a seriously ugly, seriously unlovable dog.

penelope said...

YES, it totally just died, I saw it on Extra, or Inside Edition, or one those shows. Luckily I was not eating dinner at the time. I'm sure the ugly dog's spirit appreciates your random tribute.