Thursday, November 10, 2005


I seem to have mysteriously vanquished the Death Flu! I may be being slightly optimistic, since I am currently doped up on twice the recommended dose of Generic HappyTime Cold and Sinus medicine, but I can breathe again! And taste again! And I don't seem to weight seven hundred pounds anymore! In fact, except for a slight nasally note in my voice and a less-gross-than-it-sounds wet cough, I feel almost human again.

This is good, because it allows me to spend more time listening to the song "Golddigger," which I have done thirteen times already this morning. I don't seem to be able to stop myself-- every time it ends, I think to myself, "Oh, just one more time won't hurt anyone."

"Golddigger" is like aural crack.

I feel I have to do this at work, so that I don't have to subject Ben to it. He has already survived similar infatuations with the songs "Africa" by Toto and "My Band" by D-12, not to mention my still secretly ongoing obsession with the song "Doorbell" by the White Stripes. There was a brief flirtation with the song "I didn't steal your boyfriend" by Ashlee Simpson, but luckily for everyone involved, "Golddigger" stepped in to save the day.

3 pipers piping:

Hip Girl said...

I never thought I would say this but..."Thank God for Goldigger"!

Anonymous said...

I missed you in the car yesterday because that song I like by Fall Out Boy came on and I was singing it but there are lots of times that I don't really know what he's saying, and I know that you, as always, would appreciate what I made up instead.

I actually meantally willed a local DJ to play Golddigger yesterday. I'm resorting to mind control to get what I want. I'm going to have to go to Kanye Anonymous.

Kim said...

I'm listening to it again, right now! This is the greatest song OF ALL TIME!