Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Two bad things to do with my car

Now, everyone knows I never say anything bad about my car, because it used to be my grandma's and I'm afraid if I badmouth it, she'll rise from the dead and take it back and give it to my cousin Katie, and I'll have to ride the bus to work, which is scary.

But this morning, I was driving to work, minding my own business, listening to Howard Stern as I am apt to do, when I noticed that steam-- or something much more ominous than steam-- was rising from my hood. I looked around at the hoods of the other cars, thinking maybe it was just a coldness condensation thing, but no one else seemed to be steaming. Then I look at my heat gauge-- past H, which I can only assume stands for Hot, or Holy Crap, Get Out of the Car Now, Or Die!

On the way home: no steam, but still past H. Ben assumes this means nothing, and is checking my coolant levels later this evening. I, on the other hand, am already planning an Imagination Christmas, in which I just tell people what I would have gotten them, if I hadn't had to spend all my money on a new radiator or whatever it is that keeps a car from blowing up when steam starts coming out of it.

The other bad thing: When I came out from work today, there was a thin crust of snow on it.

I effing hate thin crusts of snow.

2 pipers piping:

Kim said...

Update: It turns out there is no coolant whatsoever in my car, which is of course bad. Ben's going out to buy more right now, and I'm supposed to monitor the coolant situation. Argh.

Anonymous said...

well, if it makes you feel any better the guy at the toyota dealership told me not to worry about the 'check engine' light in my car because it really has nothing to do with the engine. good to know