Thursday, November 17, 2005

Operation Don't Blow Up: Day Two

Just a quick update on the car situation-- apparently, it has a coolant leak AND something is wrong with a mysterious component known as the thermostat, which sounds vaguely threatening and at the same time sort of comforting. I've been assured that replacing the thermostat is no big deal, and needs to be done from time to time. In the meantime, I have to have my car towed to the dealership (my father called me from India, which he is visiting for work, to forbid me to drive it anywhere, and also to insinuate that, despite all warnings, I do not take proper care of my car and am probably going to hell, although he didn't say it in quite that way), where they will ostensibly fix it tomorrow.

Derek at work has also put the Fear in me regarding my heating core, or some such thing, which may also be broken and apparently costs twelve bazillion dollars to fix. So if that's the case, I may be done blogging, as I will have to sell all worldly possessions, including my laptop, to pay for it so they don't make me sign over my very soul.

Also, it is now full-on snowing here. Luckily, I am forbidden to drive my car, so this impacts me not at all. Hooray, broken thermostat/coolant hose/heating core!

2 pipers piping:

Hip Girl said...

screw Derek! He apparantly has no shame in freaking people out.

Anonymous said...

not to add insult to injury, but we had open-toed-shoe weather until yesterday. not to brag or anything.