Monday, November 14, 2005

R.I.P., Eddie

Though I made no secret of my deep-seeded love of wrestling with my friends from graduate school, I did not parade it around as insanely or devotedly as I did in college, when WCW ruled the world and Ric Flair, Sting, and Eddie Guerrero were on top. Mainly, this is because I thought most of my graduate school friends would think I was mildly retarded.

But tonight I must throw caution to the wind and announce that I am deeply saddened by the death of one of my old favorites, Eddie Guerrero. My college friends and I spent many a Monday night with Eddie, along with fellow cruiserweights Billy Kidman, Rey Mysterio Jr., and Juventud Guerrero; our love for Eddie was so strong that an Eddie Guerrero poster hung proudly in my friends' Amy, Denise and Jeni's room (mine had Ric Flair).

Now, with Eddie gone, we will never again have the chance to say to one another, "Hey, I'm Eddie Guerrero, want to take a ride in my camaro?" Nor will we attempt to leap off the turnbuckles at each other and whomp each other down with carefully orchestrated flying leg moves. But that's probably for the best.

Goodbye, Eddie. Thanks for all the frog splashes.

2 pipers piping:

penelope said...

why is everyone dying lately? have you noticed a trend? eddie, the horror people, chris the car guy? and michael bolton the office frog! it's a sad week.

by the way...i had no idea this wrestling obsession ran so deep. my, my, my.

Kim said...

Well, you've apparently never seen my custom-made "Ric Flair Wants Me" t-shirt.