Monday, November 14, 2005

Bag Man

While out walking the dog this evening, I encountered an old man, loading a bunch of bags into his car. This, for some reason, drove my dog insane; she generally barks only at people on bikes, people with other dogs, squirrels, fast-moving leaves, and thugs. But tonight, she was out to kill this old man.

As I approached, I turned off my MP3 player (which, for the record, was on the song "Golddigger"), because I could hear the old man saying something. As my dog pinned him up against the side of his car, barking and snarling, I caught it clearly, in thickly accented Slovenian: "I have many bags of meat!"

So apparently, if you're stupid enough to carry around a bag of meat, even in your own driveway, my dog will now attempt to kill you.

0 pipers piping: