Thursday, November 17, 2005

Further proof of addiction

I just got an e-mail from my friend Kelly, who says she found this list we wrote back in college:

Everything I learned I learned from Pro Wrestling!

1. Metal folding chairs really don't hurt
2. Every time you walk into a room, your theme music starts playing
3. It's okay to walk around in your underwear
4. The ref never looks when it counts
5. It's okay to bury your face into another guy's crotch
6. Spandex, spandex, SPANDEX!
7. The bad guy's hair is always greasy
8. If you're going to spear someone-- always wait for them to face you
9. If your ratings are down, you can always change your name
10. Wrestling is the only time a good kick in the junk doesn't hurt

She follows this up with the statement "All of this is still SO TRUE!"

And it is, Kelly. Oh, it is.

1 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

I remember when Ric and Goldberg stopped by that night and we took pictures with them. Good times!