Monday, November 21, 2005

Harry Potter and the Enormous Chunk of My Life

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.

Not that I'm ever really out of Harry Potter-- at any given time, I'm usually doing something somewhat Potter-related, such as listening to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on CD (though NEWSFLASH-- I'm 99% positive that someone has stolen them out of my car, which seems really bizarre, but I honestly couldn't think of one other thing that could happen to a sandwich baggie full of 17 CDs), attempting to dig up bits of minute trivia from the Internet, and endlessly discussing Potter Theory with Ashley.

But I was almost done with my exhaustive analysis of HP: HBP when the movie version of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire came out on Friday evening. This, of course, has me going back and rereading that book so that I can keep up with Ashley on the fast-and-furious exchange of Things That Had Gone Wrong With the Movie.

Although actually, we both pretty much agree that the movie was good-- they left out a lot (Where is Winky? Where is SPEW? Where is Barty Crouch's mom? Et cetera), but if they hadn't, the movie would have been seventeen hours long, which would have severely tested tbe already stringent "no drinking six hours before the movie to avoid ill-timed bathroom breaks" plan for the 2 1/2 hour version.

So mostly, we just ended up discussing our favorite Potter theories again, such as:

1. Harry is a horcrux (This one's Ashley's, and it's the newest theory we've got, so we've still got a lot of insane planning ahead)
2. Grindewald (sp?) killed Dumbledore's parents, just like Voldemort killed Harry's (what else was he crying about when he had to drink the potion in the cave?)
3. Harry might be the heir of Gryffindor (why not? There's an heir of Slytherin. And he was born in Godric's Hollow. This would work well for the "Harry is a horcrux" theory, too-- "something of Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's...")

I could go on, but I imagine I am already going to be mocked hardcore for this one. But if anyone cares to discuss Potterisms with me, I'm down. So's Ashley.

2 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Ashley's theory of Harry being a horcrux. Then Harry would have to die to defeat Voldemort and thus JK Rowling would be free from people asking her to write "Harry Potter and the All-Night Frat Party" and "The Porch Couch Prince." (Uhm, I'm a random friend of Kelly's who she told about your blog, hope it's ok for me to comment! I'm not a creepy stalker, I swear!)

Anonymous said...

Harry Potter and the All-Night Frat Party has some merit. I'm sure someone would magically spike the butterbeer and without a doubt the Ministry of Magic would be called in for noise disturbance from the Weird Sisters. I like it.