Monday, January 15, 2007

Okay, seriously...

...I WILL be back to blog about my wee box problem. I realize that the problem is no longer of any interest to anyone, but believe me, it's super funny, and you'll die when you hear about it. But I have been very, very busy doing the following things:

  • Buying my wedding dress (it's the greatest!). I so desperately want to show it to you, but I can't, for fear of The Ben Factor. I also really, really, REALLY was hoping that I'd be able to post at least one picture of me in a shockingly ugly dress, but really, I couldn't find any. Either that, or a lot of them were ugly, but they just looked good on me because I am so hot.

  • Going to my first bridal show, which was a terrifying event of terror, even though I did get all the information I will need to actually pull off this wedding. At one point, though, I had a woman's elbow in my ear as I tried to walk past a "spin to win" booth that could net you either 14 nights in Jamaica or 5% off a night with The World's Most Annoying DJ.

  • Staying up late at night worrying myself into nausea over my guest list, which isn't even slightly official yet, because my third grade teacher might find out about my pending nuptuals and feel really badly that she wasn't invited. (But sorry, Mrs. Brunswick. You were a bitch, and I never forgot that time you knocked over Leva's desk because she wasn't paying attention to you during math).

and many other wedding related things.

I know I promised not to be a crazed bride-to-be on this blog, but really, we're putting almost all of this behind us by the end of this week-- we're looking at one more site, auditioning photographers and DJs, and even securing Super Awesome Favor ideas. So once we enter that time where it's just list-making and envelope-licking, I will definitely have more time to talk about my wee box.

So, in short, stick with me! It will totally be up this week! Please?

7 pipers piping:

Megs said...

Can you email the dress pic? Because I am a huge fan of you and a huge fan of weddings, and so I will want to hear all details, gory or otherwise.

mendacious said...

i'm sure the statement obviously applies that - you are probably not just any bride... and we could do with a few stories- just a few though...

Marianne said...

Please send stories because reading about someone else's is much more fun than dealing w/ my own.


In fact, feel free to take over mine too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. You just made me think of Leva Strong for the first time in, oh.., fifteen years.

B said...

Please write about your wee box, Kim. I'm absolutely dying with anticipation because gynecological matters are way interesting (as they should be to anyone with a vagina or sees one on a daily basis), and also because I have no clue what you will reveal... I've not seen many episodes of S&tC, although it is a good show. Yay conspicuous consumption and promiscuous friends!

B said...

The word verification on this site has gotten more difficult over time. At one time, it showed me phrases like "fargleschap" or "wirkpuppler."

Now it's "dcfg7mqb" or "dfjruffjx."

Those words aren't cute at all.

I doth [sic] protest.

hat said...

email photos of dresses, please, please, please