Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Not to fear...

...the wee box story is coming-- I'm just thinking of the best way to phrase it without being totally gross. Here's a hint for those of you who watch Sex & The City, though-- Charlotte had it.

3 pipers piping:

daisy said...

Me too. But for your sake, I really hope that it did not take doctors close to a year to tell you that you had crabs.

Cue said...

HA! Oh, I know exactly what you're talking about. Tee hee. Okay, so that IS funny. I didn't think that could actually happen. :) Will shut up now, so's not to blow your story.

Kim said...

Okay, I'll try to post it tonight, but rest assured, I DO NOT have crabs. Let me repeat that for the record-- I DO NOT HAVE CRABS!

That is all!