Monday, March 03, 2008

I've Been Everywhere

I'm back.

States visited in the last six days: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana

Sporting events in which I sat in the front row: one

Funerals attended: one

Visits to Walgreen's: four

Number of bags of cheese curds purchased: two

Snowball fights had: one

Alpacas petted: one

Visits to Lambeau Field: one

All in all, a totally weird week.

2 pipers piping:

Frisby said...

Awesome birthday present: The return of Kim!

Sorry to hear there was funeral involved in your travels. Perhaps the alpaca is of some small consolation?

Anyway, welcome back to Ohio. We kept things more or less as you left them.

Anonymous said...

Cheese curd rocks. So does Lambeau Field. Sounds like fun.