Friday, May 18, 2007

Good news/Bad news/Weird news

Good news: Despite rumors to the contrary, I have easily conquered the mail merge, effortlessly producing beautiful labels on clear sticky paper to be applied to my awesome, awesome save the date cards. (By "easily conquered," I mean "conquered after seven tries." But still!

Bad news: According to my parents, I have received a vaguely threatening letter from school, stating that I have defaulted on my student loans. First of all, let me state categorically that I have NOT defaulted on my student loans. I have, in fact, made every payment early since the first one in November 2004. This does not, however, stop me from having terrifying thoughts of somehow having not been informed about some clause stating that I needed to hand-deliver each and every copy of my cancelled checks to the registrar's office in that horrible building on-campus that smelled like sweat and pencil shavings, and that now, I owe the school some catastrophically high amount of money that will prevent me from taking a proper honeymoon, and I will end up spending it in Hershey, PA.

Good news: the Cavs won, which must mean that they are not pissed that I called their playing pathetic. This is probably a good sign that LeBron will, in fact, be attending my wedding, and bringing a totally awesome gift, and probably high-fiving me, at which point I will pee my pants.

Bad news: My MP3 player (which, Frisby, is 1G SanDisk Sansa) is still only playing the same songs-- fortunately, it has selected new ones, as I was getting really tired of fucking "Bad Day." The list is now:
  • The Real Slim Shady, Eminem
  • Stacy's Mom, Fountains of Wayne
  • Seven Nation Army, The White Stripes
  • Ready to Go, Republica
  • We Can Work It Out, Stevie Wonder (still)
Weird news: Two girls at work witnessed a chipmunk attack and behead a bird, which I thought very odd, as chipmunks are supposed to be vegetarian, forcing me to worry that the chipmunk has rabies, and might charge out at me at any time and gnaw on my ankle, turning me into a rabid monster a la Teacake in Their Eyes Were Watching God, and someone will have to shoot me.

4 pipers piping:

Megs said...

I love that you just referenced Teacake. I don't know why that makes me laugh, but it does.

Frisby said...

Yay, mail merge!

I hope you give Sallie Mae (or whoever) what for. Student loans are the bane of our generation.

I gave my aunt a Sansa for Christmas last year, but my memory is fuzzy. I found an online manual [PDF] that suggests one of two things:

1. You're stuck listening to your "Favorites" list, which only has these songs. The manual doesn't tell me how you can know if you're doing that or not.

2. You're stuck in "Repeat Playback" mode. This seems more likely to me, as they use the Repeat/AB/Down button for everything, so you're constantly mashing on it. The manual says to work your way through the menu system to Settings, then Playback. Make sure to choose "OFF" and you should be good to go.

I hope this turns out to be helpful.

steph said...

i LOVE "Their Eyes Were Watching God," and not the Halle Berry version.

Good luck with your save the dates....and the impending descent into wedding planning obsession. maybe if you invite the loan people, they will fix that glitch and take back their threatening letters?

penelope said...

I think UNCW is stupid, because I got the same letter, which I promptly threw out. I did forebear my loans until this most recent January, but I'm clearly in repayment status, our pitiful checking account balance can vouch for that. I wouldn't worry about it.