Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ooo, baby baby!

So I'm heading out on the wide open road again tomorrow, ending my sweeping tour of the south (Okay, North Carolina and Virginia) with a visit to my best friend Megan, her husband Matt, and their new baby Madelyn! This, of course, means no blogging from me, but seeing as how I don't really blog that much while actually seated in my own home, I don't think it will really hurt your hearts too much.

In general, my whole life has been awash in babies for the last year or so, as like a third of my friends have been dedicating their lives to reminding me that I totally want a baby, even if it means giving up laying on the couch and watching cartoons. (But babies like cartoons, right?) Among those prestigious baby-havers (and baby-havers-in-waiting) of the last year or so:

  • Angela (and one on the way!)
  • Deidre (and one on the way, part two!)
  • Megan
  • Diane
  • Stephanie
  • Alyssa
  • Cassie (actually, has this baby arrived yet?)
  • And finally, one friend who I will not mention by name until she has revealed it on her blog, which is the true sign that it's okay to announce!

Actually, that list seems kind of small, like I forgot someone. Which is really crappy, when you finally realize that you've forgotten that one of your friends had a baby. So if I forgot you, please write in to berate me, so I don't have to spend too much time worrying myself nauseated about it.

So until I can have some babies of my own, which is still probably a few more years down the line (I want to be mature enough to at least watch the live-action shows on Nickelodeon), I will avail myself of these people to play with their bundles of joy. I can even change diapers! I don't like to, but I can.

Oh, and in unrelated news, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEGAN! And furthermore, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DENISE, whose birthday is coming up while I'm out of town-- curse you, state lines!

3 pipers piping:

Frisby said...

You're too clever for your own good, Kim. By leaving one of the names a secret, you can just pretend that it stands in for anyone you might have forgotten.

I had a birthday, too, but we've never met, so I don't expect you to make a big deal of it, even though I so totally old now.

penelope said...

Awww, Madelyn is so cute!!

Why would you have to give up couch-lounging and cartoon-watching with a baby? Is this something I should be thinking about?

hat said...

you are a natural, Kim. does it scare you, just a little, that you are so super great w/ kids?