Monday, August 14, 2006

Wish I was there

I'm back from vacation! I always feel awkward that first day back from vacation, when everyone asks about it, because I feel pressured to give a detailed blow-by-blow account of the trip, when people really only want to hear that it was "really fun."

So here, in a nutshell, were the highlights (and not-so-highlights) of my vacation.

1. It was very pirate-themed, as you can see from this picture-- which, by the way, if you show anyone this picture of me in a bathing suit and/or comment about the sad state of my thighs, I'll kill you. Most of our free time was spent scouring the boardwalk for pirate-themed souvenirs and accoutrements for our pirate outfits.

2. The sunset cruise, long a staple of the Shable family Rehoboth Beach vacation, was cancelled due to the escalating price of gasoline, thus only deepening my insane obsession the price of gas.

3. I got a killer tan, although it is not evident in this picture. But trust me, it's TOTALLY killer.

4. I got buried in the sand, which is much scarier and more claustrophobic than carefree parental nostalgia make it appear to be. However, once you get used to it, it's really quite cozy, to the point where I only eventually got up because I had to pee, and there was sand in my butt.

5. Ben and I got whistled at by the lifeguard, and-- here is a little known fact about me, I have an insane fear of lifeguards. I always have, ever since my dad started taking me to Geauga Lake when I was little and they would point ominously into the water in my general direction and blow their whistles in a threatening manner. Even though my best friend Megan and I were once actually rescued from certain death-by-smashing-into-a-jetty by a very nice lifeguard, I still totally fear them. So when this lifeguard whistled at us, I panicked, which caused a series of waves to break right on top of me, once again filling my swimsuit with sand and retiring me to the beach for a short while.

All in all, my vacation was "really fun," and I really wish it were still going on right now. But still, a vacation isn't a vacation if you never have to go back to work. But seriously? That's bullshit, I just want to be on vacation forever.

5 pipers piping:

Kurt said...

Great pic.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim,

I know what you mean about lifeguards except now they seem like children to me. We took the midget to a place here called Twin Lakes--Pirate's Cove--and it has a lake for big kids. But the really funny part is the children's area is elaborately done but heaviy monitored. The first time we went there were about 5 lifeguards with whistles in their mouths and there were less than 5 kids in the whole joint. Overkill. It freaked me out. I guess they have to make sure no one stands too quickly and gets a nose bleed. No one wants a lawsuit at the kitty water park.


ashley said...

Kim, you are so foxy I AM going to show this picture to everyone! You foxy she-pirate, you.

Karima said...

Life guards are the new clowns of our generation.

Anonymous said...

um, so...any role playing in these outfits?