Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Labor Day Weekend '06-- the countdown begins

Weirdly, I've been so worried about the approach of Sucknesto (now downgraded to a tropical depression-- in your face, you crap-ass storm!) delaying my vacation that I haven't really had time to fully grasp the fact that I am, in fact, going to be in Wilmington in less than 72 hours.

In fact, it really just hit me a few minutes ago, when I read Ashley's appeal to Ernesto to disapparate, or whatever depressions do. And now I am doing a happy dance of joy-- I am coming to Wilmington! To see many Blogger friends (actually-- I think pretty much everyone I'm going to see is a Blogger friend. Does this mean we are self-involved? I say NAY!), and walk on the river walk, and eat doughnuts and go to Sonic and drink Cheerwine!

It has also just hit me, really, that I have a shitload of things to do. So far, I have:

1. Made the perfect vacation CD
2. Sort of cleaned a little
3. Put away a whole bunch of other CDs
4. Ripped up the 1,000 credit card applications I have accrued over the last two weeks.

I have not:

1. Packed
2. Gotten maps to Charlotte or Wilmington
3. Gotten cash for tolls
4. Gotten gas
5. Actually cleaned
6. Acquired snacks for trip
7. Figured out how to work my effing video camera

Et cetera.

Now, granted, most of those things have to wait until tomorrow night anyway. But now that I have finally caught on, not unlike a dog being lured into the car with Snausages, that I am going on a trip, I want all these things to be done now, so I can begin the road trip portion of my journey, and listen to my sweet new CD, which features both "Apache" by The Sugarhill Gang and "The Lees of Old Virginia" from the soundtrack to 1776. Ben, I'm sure, will be thrilled.

2 pipers piping:

mendacious said...

I got AD:S3 and am giggy with glee giddiness. and also am sad that i'm not on the east coast with all of you. sigh. i will watch my episodes and pretend to have conversations with all of you- about how being self-involved but not self-obsessed is the best thing ever!

Kurt said...

I would advise you to shred those credit card applications.