Thursday, July 20, 2006

I stink

Every single time I smell something bad, whether it's exhaust, foot stink, or a co-worker's Poorly Prepared Salmon Covered in Burnt Onions and Green Peppers, I become absolutely convinced that the smell is coming from me. Not that the smell is on my clothes, or that I caused it by eating something I shouldn't, but that it is actually emanating from me, as if all the cells in my body decided simultaneously to begin emitting stink rays (depicted here in this highly scientific drawing I found of foot stink).

I guess I didn't realize it until recently, but I've had this problem for a really long time. I wonder if, at one point, I really did stink a lot for no reason, causing me to become sensitive to the presence of other stink-related situations? Or perhaps, when I was a baby, every time my parents farted, they blamed it on me, thus giving me a stink complex. All I know is, if something smells bad, it's probably me, even though I will always, upon first detecting a stink in the air, sniff myself vigorously and can never find conclusive proof that I am the source of the stink. Which in and of itself is a totally different problem, being caught sniffing yourself in public.

4 pipers piping:

Kurt said...

I have the same problem, but I stink.

Anonymous said...

You DID at one point have a pair of sneakers that smelled SO heinous, I forced you to take them out and leave them on my back porch. Other than that, I don't remember you emanating stink rays. But those shoes...the scary stale Cheetos smell. Agh.

Anonymous said...

I think this all comes from the "convo funk" that we were forced to experience in college. I can STILL smell that crud!

Anonymous said...

"Your name is yuck mouth; you don't brush
Gotta cover your mouth like this
They call you yuck mouth
You refuse to brush
No, Sweetheart, you can keep that kiss."