Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Hoff Spits Game

Much thanks to Pete for bringing this, the world's most heinous and terrifying video ever, to my attention. Between the air guitaring, the dancing (with thumbs! Like Elaine!), the Power Point-looking green screen backgrounds, and the fact that he appears to be kidnapping at least one of the amateur porn stars that make up his unwilling female entourage, I get horrible, sweaty chills.

Also, note the fact that KITT appears to have been recustomized so that his steering wheel is now on the right. Perhaps a nod to his legions of intensely creepy German fans? Also, please note again that KITT is not evil, and therefore would not, in real life, have taken any part in this kidnapping (and the subsequent ejection that follows when the Hoff realizes he is not going to score).

3 pipers piping:

Karima said...

This is exactly the kind of publicity that is makin KITT not be able to get real work in Hollywood anymore. I hear KITT will be on some c-list celebrity reality show this season on FOX.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this right-steering-wheeled (or perhaps I should say wrong-steering-wheeled) menace is actually KARR, KITT's evil twin.

Anonymous said...

The blond girl looks like Shannon from P. Diddy's Making the Band. Could it be?