Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ohio is everywhere!

I was standing outside my new office this afternoon with Marita and Chanel when I noticed this rock on the ground in the exact shape of the state of Ohio. Which supremely weirded me out, since on my first day of band camp in college, I found a piece of trash on the ground in the shape of the state of Ohio. So of course I had to bring it home, as I am apparently in the habit of bringing home random crap I find on the ground, as long as it bears a passing resemblance to my home state.

I have photographed them both here-- marvel at the eerieness of their similarity!

But I have to ask-- what does this all mean? Is it a sign that Ohio is where I am meant to be? Or that Ohio is trash, meant to be discarded on the ground? Or does it simply mean that I have an idiot-savant type skill for quickly identifying the shape of states?

7 pipers piping:

Matt said...

I think it means that only a great state like Ohio could impart its imprint on both something incredibly hard and nonmaliable like a rock, and something flexible like a random piece of trash. Clearly this speaks to Ohio's greatness, and the fact that you are exactly where you should be.

Seriously, do you really think North Carolina could pull something off like that? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

I once found a rock that looked like my dog Moonpie, exactly. And then when you turn it over it looks like Howard's dog, Worley exactly.
I've pondered the meaning/significance for years.

Anonymous said...

Matt, matt, matt. Are you casting aspersions on my beloved homeland? I've seen Columbus, my friend. The jig is up.

T. said...

At first glance I thought these were sculpted slices of munster and swiss cheese. My bad.

Anonymous said...

When i was a kid we had one of those rock tumblers and we would collect rocks on the beaches of Lake Michigan, and then shine them up in the tumbler. We found a rock one time called a Petoskey (sp?) stone that was a big deal somehow (that we found one), and then we got a pet turtle whose shell looked like the rock, so we named the turtle Petoskey.

penelope said...

I want to see this Moonpie/Worley rock. It doesn't seem possible?

Anonymous said...

I will take a picture of the Moonpie/Worley rock and send it to you P. When I found the rock I didn't have Worley or Moonpie. I had two dogs (my parent's) named Brew and Daisy. I picked up the rock because it looked like Brew and Daisy. It wasn't until a few years ago I realized it's actually Moonpie and Worley. That rock must've been out there waiting for me...