Monday, April 10, 2006

Thought Police: Day One

Actual thoughts had today, recorded here for your amusement:

  • The people at work have changed our toilet paper from Standard Rough to Fake Quilted One Ply. I don't care for it. I liked it better when our toilet paper did not pretend to be something it wasn't.

  • Today I received an e-mail from an old professor and he signed it "your friend," and then his name. This made me feel slightly gawky, as it reminded me of letters written to cousins and girls you met at day camp but then never saw again because they lived one town over. But it also made me feel slightly giddy, because he is my friend. It is amazing the power the words "your friend" can have.

  • I have always wanted to drive a golf cart. Even though I am now old enough to drive a real car, driving a golf cart will never lose its allure for me.

  • (On walking past my childhood house on E. 260th): There used to be a swingset back there. I remember when my parents sold it, and some people came and pried it out of the concrete my dad had poured around the legs to keep it from uprooting. I sat in my bedroom window and watched it and sobbed. That would mean my bedroom must have been the one in the back on the right, if you're facing the house. I never had another swingset again.

5 pipers piping:

T. said...

Once I drove a golf cart into a lake at my friend's summer house in the 7th grade.

Anonymous said...

I almost fell off the back of a golf cart on Bald Head Island. Which means I was riding it backwards. Which means I almost threw up in Hilary's car on the way back from Southport. Which means I will never eat crab cakes and then ride a ferry for 20 minutes ever, ever again. So you see, golf carts can be deadly. Be careful what you wish for.

Anonymous said...

I drove my first golf cart last summer. It was everything I hoped it could be. I ran it into a ditch, then I ran over a field mouse. Good times!

penelope said...

I've only ridden on a golf cart once, when mendacious took me on a personal tour of the Paramount lot and we saw Keifer Sutherland "basking in the sun like an animal." (I quote mendacious.) It was memorable. However, I've never driven one...

My mind just leapt to people who actually own their own golf carts for the sole purpose of riding around their own "grounds." Like that little bastard that was on Cribs one time. Aaron Carter? Oh wait, that wasn't a golf cart, it was a four-wheeler. I think. Either way, I hate him.

I also agree that TP should not pretend to be something it isn't.

mendacious said...

ha. that is a fond golf cart memory. i've got quite a few from Paramount... Getting it stuck, carting drunk but obscure celebrities around, giving tours... picking up musicians... but what is it about the golf cart that is so wistfully idyllic and freeing. the wind whipping me in the face- the blue sky... running into the gardenia hedge... sigh. it was a good. time. also i never had a swingset or a pool. things i will never forgive my parents for.