Thursday, March 30, 2006

Spring, Glorious Spring!

Yes, a post about the weather. My life isn't all thrill-a-minute action.

Spring is finally here, at least for today-- supposed to be crappy pretty much from here on out, but I have learned, slowly, that the Weather Channel tells vicious, vicious lies in order to get me to leave the house in weather-inappropriate clothing. So, who knows-- it might be here to stay.

Took the dog for a really long walk for the first time this year, and found out the following things about my neighborhood:

1. Elderly people here love dogs.

2. Drakefield is not as well-kept as Zeman.

3. There's only one chance to find out what street you're on; if you miss that sign, tough shit. You're in no-man's land now.

And here's the kicker:

4. The Ice Cream Man comes to Shoreview Avenue!

Not that I ever actually go to the ice cream man; since childhood, I have been too freaked out by the mechanics of the whole operation to actually flag down the ice cream man. But I really enjoy his tinkly Entertainer music, and he reminds me of the Evil Ice Cream Man who used to come to Abbott's Run and trade ice cream for beer and cigarettes.

Everything smells like barbeque and dogs are barking and people are playing frisbee and it's spring! Spring, dammit!

4 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw Ice Cream Man, I was reminded of sorrority girls and fraternity boys rushing the Turkey-in-the-Staw truck and exchanging Miller Lites for those red, white & blue rocket pops.

Ah, Abbot's Run. Those were the days. Almost makes me want a Swisher Sweet.

Matt said...

The ice cream man on Hooker Road drove like 60 mph, and it seemed the faster he went, the faster his music played, so it was this psychotic, frenzied ice cream man music and his truck sounded like it might explode.

Plus, if any kid on the street did step up for ice cream, he drove so fast they would have been flattened like a melted push-pop.

Matt said...

Did I mention? I'm in Wilmington now, so maybe I'll go looking for mr Hooker Road Ice Cream man.

Kim said...

Doesn't everything about Wilmington make you want a Swisher Sweet?

Matt, while you're in Wilmington, you have to try to get that Hooker sign down. It's a priority!