Thursday, March 09, 2006

Katie! Katie! Katie!

Hey, all. I know I still haven't been blogging as much as normal, but trust me, I have a backlog of bloggable material going on right now, and will probably bust most of it out this weekend, while Ben is out of town. I will also be over at my parents' new house, ripping down wallpaper. You know, just in case you feel like sending over some pizza or something.

But first, I need to formally announce that my younger cousin Katie has joined the ranks of my blog readers (blogateers, if you will). She wants me to tell you that she is evil, and definitely up to no good at all times. And here are some other fascinating facts about Katie:

1. She is an excellent horseback rider, and has a sweet horse named Gracie. Which I am really jealous of, since I majorly failed at going to horse camp in the seventh grade, a fact that my dad totally won't let me live down. "You want to move to Wilmington? But why? You couldn't even make it two days at horse camp!"

2. She can belch better than anyone I've ever met. Seriously, it's way impressive.

3. She is an excellent actress, and does a killer Britney Spears impression. But in a funny way, not a serious way. Because I think she would kick my ass if I said she was into Britney Spears.

4. For real, I think she could kick my ass.

So now you're all up to speed on the Katie situation. Doesn't it make you wish you had an evil cousin, too?

(By the way-- not really evil. But I wasn't lying about the belching part.)

1 pipers piping:

Anonymous said...

Oh See this ME! YAY! About me Katie! O ya SCORE! I am actually evil and can belch a mean burp so ya betta watch it when your in a contest with me. I know Im bragging.