Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Neville = Hero?

Ever since the newest HP movie came out, Ben has been devouring the books-- possibly just so he would know what I was rambling about whenever I started spouting off about horcruxes and disappearing wandmakers. He is very intrigued by Neville, and thinks there's a lot more to him than meets the eye. I agree, but before tonight, I always simply speculated that he was special for what he will do, not for what his past has been.

But all the sudden it struck me: what if whoever labelled the prophecy after Voldemort attacked Harry was still wrong? What if, even though Voldemort thought it was Harry, and everyone, including Dumbledore, believes the prophecy meant Harry, it really always meant Neville?

In short, what if Neville is going to kill Voldemort?

I know Voldemort has already "marked Harry as his equal," by giving him the scar, but we know virtually nothing about Neville's past, other than that his parents were tortured by Death Eaters and he lives with his grandmother. He could have marked Neville, too, in some way that we don't yet know.

Is this just insane? Or could I possibly be on to something, in the smallest, most lame way? I know 95% of people who read this blog could give two craps about Harry Potter, but I urge those of you who are Potterphiles to give me some feedback on this. Am I retarded? (Don't answer, non-Potter fans.) I think I might be retarded. But still, wouldn't that be the single most wild thing in the history of things?

Also, on a side note, this kid really needs some braces. Don't they have some sort of magic for that?

4 pipers piping:

Matt said...

I've always thought there was more to Neville than meet's the eye. I think he will surprise everyone in Potter #7. And perhaps there can be a spin-off series, should J.K. decide to kill off Harry. Neville and the Goblet of Half-Blood Braces, pehaps. Not sure what that would actually be about, though.

penelope said...

There's definitely more to Neville than meets the eye... the only thing is that because Voldemort chose Harry, he made Harry the chosen one. The prophecy didn't hold any value at all until Voldemort made his choice and acted on it. Is that right? I thought that's what Dumbledore said. It took me a really long to wrap my head around that one when reading the last few books. But I think I might be retarded, too.

And Hermione fixed her teeth with magic. Poor Neville. Scott pointed out that at least he's thinned some in the fourth movie. But that critics' line about being beaten with the ugly stick keeps popping up in my head. For this, I'm pretty sure my own baby is going to be extremely ugly.

Anonymous said...

I agree with penelope on this one. And anyway, wouldn't you be super disappointed if all along you've been reading faithfully about Harry Potter and then Neville swooped in with some unbelievably powerful magic and did Voldemort in? You'd be like, "Dude, where were you 42,347 pages ago???"

daisy said...

I'm going to have to disagree (of course - it's ME - what ELSE would I do?). I just can't imagine a children's series where the author totally fucks you in the end and has a supporting character turn out to be the hero. I think the final battle must be Harry vs. Voldemort. I'm not saying Neville can't possibly be there in some role, but he'll have to be stupified or break his wand etc. before the climax. I am currently re-reading the sixth book though (so much better than working on my thesis) so I'll let you know if I find anything to disprove my theory.