Saturday, November 01, 2008

NaNoWriMo Update: Day 1

Hey, I promise not to turn this into a you-go-girl NaNoWriMo blog, but their website is down right now, so I have nowhere to brag-- so far today, I've logged 1,707 words, which is slightly over my daily goal. Which, of course, means that I am THE GREATEST NOVELIST THAT EVER LIVED!

3 pipers piping:

Matt said...

I have zero words. But I might write tonight, after everyone else goes to bed. We'll see.

Keep it up. The world needs a Kim Oja novel right now.

Anonymous said...

that's great Kim, keep it up!

Frisby said...

Okay, I'm in. 1,274 words. I'm a little behind, but oh well.